Saturday, December 09, 2006

Go Rush Go

Last night I went to my very first lacrosse game. What a blast! The Rush lost but I had a great time anyway. There is tons of energy in the arena, the game is very fast and the refs let the players who really want to fight go at it at centre field. What a great way to spend an eveing!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


As you may or may not know, Clint and I recently started TaeKwonDo together (we're bonding). Tonight I took my uncle with me to fulfill part of the White Belt Checklist (yay John). I even got to start the testing so in 10 days I should be a yellow stripe. It's way fun. This is our school:

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Nothing Endures but Change

Just to be consistent, my schedule has changed from Alert in February to Eureka in April with a few months of Stony Plain in between. I'm kinda sad about not getting to see Alert but not too sad because I really like Eureka (I have found it!.. teehee.. couldn't resist).

Shameless Advertising

One of my friends just released her very first solo flute album. The link to hear samples or order the CD is now on the side bar.

If anyone is interested

Hi everyone. This is for all the cool stuff that happens away from Ellsmere Island! Prepare to be dazelled by the exceptional dullness of my normal life.