The poor poor kitty. My indoor cat, Oscar, recently decided he was going to make a stand for kitty freedom everywhere. He would escape from the tyrannical incarceration that is his padded kitty bed, private room and canine playthings, to terrorize the neighborhood; take that you foolish humans!
He's played this game before, no one is particularly worried about it. He doesn't usually get far, as passing birds can kick the mighty hunter's ass without much difficulty, but rustling leaves and smallish bugs watch out!
So the other day, when it was -20 Celsius or so, as I was saying goodbye to my sweetie, I heard the graceful sound of the 3 legged elephant stampede that is Oscar sneaking quickly. He was too late, the door was closed, the mad dash for kitty freedom was over before it had begun.
He switched tactics at this point and looked up at me with big eyes and snuggly fur, anyone who's seen Puss in Boots from Shrek knows the look.
Out of an impulse born of sheer mischief I thought to myself; "Ok, let him have what he wants.. sucker.. heh heh heh.. it's -20 out there."
I opened the door.
Oscar let out a wild whoop of triumph over the humans and charged out onto the deck.......
It took about 3 steps for him to come to a complete halt, about 5 seconds for the full impact of -20 to hit home and almost no time at all to about turn and stomp back to the house.
Apparently at -20 the metal step of my doorway is far too cold for indoor kitty feet so as I went and picked him up he explained to me that winter is a dirty dirty trick and it's all my fault.
Oscar is currently asleep in my clean laundry and will consider stirring for breakfast if it's wet food. Kitty liberation is waiting til spring.
Oh yeah.. I also dropped my iPod once too often, drat :(
Great work.
thank you :)
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